Squishmallows 5″ Flip-A-Mallows Assortment Phase 17

109,95 kr. v/mvg

4 Ymiskir at velja í, viðmerk um tú ynskir ein ávísan

Goymslustøða: Á goymslu SKU: 998120427 Vørubólking: , , Merki:


Meet Flip-A-Mallows. Can’t decide which Squishmallow to play with first? Flip’em! This cute, supersoft, reversible collectible gives you the chance to squish two members of the Squishmallow squad in one cuddly plush toy. Watch one transform into another in one easy flip! These adorable animals have a unique marshmallow-like texture and truly need to be squished to be believed! Each Flip-A-Mallow has its own unique style and distinct personality, encouraging fun and imaginative play. Once you’ve got your very first huggable Squishmallow friend, you’ll understand why the snuggle is real!


Vekt 0,07 kg

Dreingir, Gentur

