Pin Lampa antikk svørt L:30cm dia:5cm

599,95 kr. v/mvg

Goymslustøða: Á goymslu SKU: 998106414 Vørubólking: , , Merki:
Vís kurv


Use beautiful lamps in your decor to add a sculpturally and practical element in just one adornment. With this lovely lamp from House Doctor, you will be able to combine both. It will also decorate any home no matter the present decor due to its exquisite black colour. Use the lamp, Pin, above the kitchen counter, dining table or in an empty corner of the house. Where ever you place the lamp, it will add life and personality to the home decor. Note: Light bulb is not included. Buy a G9 bulb, Max 5W light bulb separately.


Vekt 1,04 kg



Lampur, ljósketur o.l


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