Light My Fire FireSteel BIO scout rockyred

129,95 kr. v/mvg

Goymslustøða: Á goymslu SKU: 998113861 Vørubólking: , ,


The FIRESTEEL SCOUT ORGANIC fire stone by Light My Fire is now available at Speck-Sports.

This accessory will be very useful to light a fire or your stove, even in windy or humid conditions. Sturdy and durable thanks to its magnesium and stainless steel construction, it will allow you to light up to 3000 fires.

For the practical side, this flint also offers an emergency whistle while its included CircBag makes it easy to store.

Finally, for the environmentally conscious, the plastic used in its manufacture is of biological origin.

Light your fire with style and confidence with the FIRESTEEL SCOUT BIO by Light My Fire.


Vekt 0,12 kg



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